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My Story

My name is Austin Barker, based out of Sacramento, CA. I have been an avid outdoorsman for 15+ years, Fishing and Hunting since 8 years old.

As a child, I have always had an infatuation with the outdoors. From catching blue bellies, to trout fishing in the streams, to hunting waterfowl and other birds I could not get enough. I started my bass fishing career in a small creek in the little town I grew up in. Wading through and throwing panther martin spinners until I couldn’t see my hand in front of my face.

I had no idea that would turn into what it is today. Fishing has changed my life. It has taught me passion, patience, and the true meaning of addiction. I will do this for the rest of my time. I am now 25 years old, I bass fish 150-200 days a year and love sharing my knowledge and creating memories for my clients and myself included.

I have made lifelong friends, changed lives and had my life changed by this incredible sport. Coming fishing with me is more than just a day on the water. It is an ongoing friendship, constant availability to support you in your fishing goals and career, and whatever else I can assist with. I love to see my clients grow as people and anglers more than words can explain.

I do whatever I can to provide the best value for this great industry. Whether it be giving seminars throughout the year, volunteering for youth clubs as a boater, and even taking kids under my wing to help them succeed. I try and give as much back as I can to this awesome sport. Thank you for visiting my site and TIGHT LINES.

About Me: About Me
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